Welcome to the SASKCLASSIC, Saskatchewan's premier CPA sanctioned regional bodybuilding competition!
Open to athletes of all ages and federations, this annual event allows amateur competitors the opportunity to compete for a top 3 regional placing, mandatory to advance to the national level. A top 3 placing at the SASKCLASSIC qualifies athletes to register for the prestigious Toronto Pro Qualifier, Vancouver Pro/Am Qualifier and Canadian Nationals, in pursuit of the famed IFBB Pro card.
The SASKCLASSIC will be held in Regina, Saskatchewan, Saturday May 4th, at the Conexus Arts Centre. Tanning, hair, makeup and photography will be provided by the industry's best; Absolute Touch (tanning, hair and makeup) and Zoom Image Pros. This will be an incredible opportunity for athletes as a debut in pursuit of becoming an IFBB Professional.
Good luck to all athletes and may the best physiques win!